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Karen Kopf was a dance major at SUNY, Purchase, where she had the good fortune of studying Pilates with Romana Krysanowska, one of Joseph Pilates original disciples who inherited his studio in New York City. 


When she left SUNY, Karen taught modern dance and classical ballet.  Beginning in 1988 she taught Pilates within the dance department at SUNY under the eye of Steve Giordano and has been teaching Pilates in Westport since 1998.


Starting in 2000 Karen studied physical therapy techniques, cranial sacral work, and was certified and licensed by The Physical Mind to teach Pilates.  She has personal experience with the rehabilitative qualities of Pilates following an accident in which she broke her neck and was comatose and gained insight into helping not only athletes, but also injured people.


Karen uses her experience, extensive education, her intuition, combined with your preferences and feelings to help find the right way for you to work on improving your body.  Pilates You is so named because it is about you, the client.   The program is personalized and efficient, allowing you to immerse yourself. 


Karen is fluent in English, French, Dutch, and analogies.   She has taught an extensive range of clientele from Olympic athletes to a 91 year old with a fused spine and an artificial hip.


Plan on having more energy and time to enjoy life!

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